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Top seven books every fitness professional wants in 2021

Find the best books for personal trainers, fitness instructors, and other fitness professionals on this list, featuring new titles, updated editions, and all-time favorites. We've got everything you need to achieve success with clients.

Secrets of Successful Program Design

Why professionals love it: In Secrets of Successful Program Design: A How-To Guide for Busy Fitness Professionals, noted fitness and program design expert Alwyn Cosgrove and his director of programming, Craig Rasmussen, share Alwyn’s proven system for creating programs that take clients from where they are to where they want to be.
What readers are saying: "I’m a young coach, I have read a bunch of books and taken many certification courses to educate myself in the world of training, but nothing helped me and gave me as much confidence for training clients as your book. I used to think programming was so complicated because of all the programs I saw other trainers write. Your book helped me realize that programming is simple, it’s just been over-complicated by many in the industry." – Matthew Monos
"Well written and an excellent resource for fitness professionals." – Marc Booysen


Smarter Workouts

Why professionals love it: Smarter Workouts gives the solution to efficient and effective workout programs that use only one piece of equipment. Choose the goal of your client: improving mobility, strengthening their core, or a sweat-inducing conditioning work. Then select one of seven equipment options to perform the workout. Smarter Workouts is the go-to guide for smart, effective workouts.
What readers are saying: "Lots of great useful, science-based information to safely and successfully train your clients. The book is well written with some passionate fitness views. The workouts and exercises deliver a great variety of ways to enhance your clients training." – Deb Smith
"It’s full of information and exercises I will be able to use with clients." – Jayne Glandorf


The Language of Coaching

Why professionals love it: The Language of Coaching focuses on the impact that communication has on an individual’s ability to learn and perform a movement. Written by performance coach Nick Winkelman, the book examines how instruction, feedback, and cueing can significantly affect training outcomes and will help you adapt your language to the learning needs of those you support.
What readers are saying: "The book is easy reading, and full of wonderful ideas and tips. Knowledge of this information would have been quite helpful when I was beginning to Coach." – Richard Howell
"Must read for anyone working in movement sciences." – Garrett Holle
"Excellent source for coaches, teachers, therapists. This is a well researched book told in the form of a story. A must have for coaches." – Oscar Agramonte


A Professionals Guide to Small Group Personal Training

Why professionals love it: A Professional’s Guide to Small-Group Personal Training is a much-needed resource designed to successfully leading training sessions for small groups. With over 70 exercises and 12 sample programs, fitness instructors will maximize training hours and increase revenue potential while creating a fun, safe, and motivating environment for their clients.

Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy, Second Edition

Why professionals love it: Written by Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, an internationally renowned expert on muscle hypertrophy, Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy, Second Edition, is the definitive resource for strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, sport scientists, researchers, and exercise science instructors. No other resource offers a comparable amount of content solely focused on the science of muscle hypertrophy and its application to designing training programs.

Ageless Intensity

Why professionals love it: Ageless Intensity offers a research-backed perspective on how high-intensity exercise can not only maximize health benefits past age 40 but also help minimize the physiological effects of aging. Fitness expert Pete McCall provides straightforward science-based information on how the same high-intensity exercise that provides a number of health benefits can also influence human physiology in a way that can reduce the biological effects of time.

The Warm-Up with Online Video

Why professionals love it: The Warm-Up is the first book to describe the science of the warm-up and provide guidelines to maximize its effectiveness through the process of constructing effective RAMP-based warm-ups —looking at the warm-up not only as preparation for the upcoming session, but also as tool for athletic development.
What readers are saying: "The various activities that Ian Jeffreys presents and the order presented are clear and very easy to understand. Mr. Jeffreys uses the acronym RAMP for his warm-up and makes it easy to remember what type of activity to place where in the warm-up for the best outcome for the athlete/client... A very practical addition to your training repertoire." – Greg Mack

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