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The six best dance resources released in 2023

Find the best dance books and resources for the dancer, dance teacher, or choreographer on your shopping list. Our resources offer insights from dance professionals around the world. Check out these six new releases from this past year!

Imaginative and fun improvisations to help dancers learn and grow

More Dance Improvisations contains 78 new activities that to help dancers explore movement. The exercises support all portions of a dance class, from improvisation lessons to warm-ups to stimulating games to choreographic tasks for creating movement material.


Dance Cultures Around the World provides an in-depth look at selected world cultures through dance. Readers will gain understanding pf the factors and layers of meaning that shape dance in nine geopolitical regions. Significant events, people, and qualities of the dance culture are highlighted throughout the chapters.


Teaching Children Dance, Fourth Edition contains 32 two new dance learning experiences for K-12 students of all ability levels. The instructional videos, online resources, and strategies for developing learning experiences make teaching effective and smooth.


Producing Dance integrates the entire creative team in dance production, creating a toolbox for success for all involved. It offers guidance in creating collaborative performances in both traditional and nontraditional spaces and covers evaluation, reflection, and opportunities for growth.


Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology, Third Edition offers a scientific perspective to dance, simplified and accessible. This new edition is heavily illustrated, in color, and shows more diverse dance styles. Exercises for each part of the body will empower dancers to reach potential.


Attention and Focus Strategies for Dance Educators Online Course is a self-paced, interactive professional development course that provides dance educators with attentional focus strategies and tools to improve their delivery of dance technique.