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The best strength and conditioning resources to help you see gains

The best strength and conditioning resources to help you see gains

Whether you are an athlete or amateur lifter trying to build muscle and transform your body or a strength and conditioning coach trying to further your career, we have the best strength and conditioning titles to help you achieve your goals. Further your training with the help of one of our top strength and conditioning books of 2022.


Strength Training Anatomy, Fourth Edition book cover

The number one strength training resource

Strength Training Anatomy, Fourth Edition - The fourth edition of Strength Training Anatomy offers the most compelling artwork ever applied to a strength training resource. Packed with over 700 anatomical illustrations of muscles from each major muscle group, this edition features over 60 additional pages and 231 exercises.



Training and Conditioning Young Athletes, Second Edition book cover

Proven programs and exercises to improve young athletes’ performance

Training and Conditioning Young Athletes - Training and Conditioning Young Athletes, Second Edition, is the authoritative guide for maximizing athletic development through proven programming and more than 200 of the most effective exercises to increase strength, power, speed, agility, flexibility, and endurance.



Strength Training for All Body Types book cover
Design training programs to match a client’s specific body type

Strength Training for All Body Types - Strength Training for All Body Types details how to adapt exercises to account for different joint angles, bone lengths, and overall body structure. It explains how different bodies manage various exercises and how to optimize training outcomes by modifying strength and program design.  



Strength Training for Soccer book cover

Design resistance training programs for soccer athletes

Strength Training for Soccer - Strength Training for Soccer will help you create a soccer-specific resistance training program to help athletes at each position—goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards—develop strength and power that will prepare them for the demands of a game.



Strength Zone Training

Maximize strength through the true full range of motion

Strength Zone Training- Strength Zone Training redefines full range of motion training. Its workout programs eliminate redundant exercises you don’t need and include the missing exercises you need to do to maximize strength. It is a blueprint for building muscle with a purpose.



Lower Body Training book cover

Increase lower body size, strength, and power

Lower Body Training - Get the help you need to achieve a strong lower body with Lower Body Training. Offering a comprehensive guide, Lower Body Training contains the most up-to-date, scientifically proven strategies for increasing lower body size, strength, and power.



Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy book cover

Proven exercises to strengthen the body and prevent sport injuries

Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy - Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy provides an in-depth look at common athletic injuries and the best exercises and training protocols to reduce their occurrence. With the latest research, expert analysis, detailed anatomical illustrations, and programming advice, it is the definitive guide for understanding and preventing sport injuries.



NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition book cover

The most comprehensive personal training resource available

NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training - NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Third Edition, is the definitive resource for personal trainers, health and fitness instructors, and other fitness professionals. It is also the primary preparation source for those taking the NSCA-CPT exam.



The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0

Understand the science of building muscle

The M.A.X. Muscle Plan, 2.0, Second Edition - Leading fitness expert Brad Schoenfeld shows how to complete a total-body transformation with six months of targeted, periodized routines. The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0 presents scientifically proven plans to help you increase lean body mass, build muscle, and achieve your best body ever.



The Anatomy of Speed book cover

The definitive resource for developing speed

The Anatomy of Speed - In The Anatomy of Speed renowned expert Bill Parisi breaks down the various components of speed development, delving deep into the physiological mechanisms of speed and offering guidance for effective training and program design.



Functional Training Anatomy book cover

Train to improve functional performance in sport and everyday life

Functional Training Anatomy - Functional Training Anatomy covers all aspects of how to build a purposeful, effective, and efficient training program that develops the power, strength, stability, and functional mobility needed to support the body’s demands in athletic performance and daily living.



High-Performance Training for Sports

Develop the complete athlete with a total-training guide

High-Performance Training for SportsHigh-Performance Training for Sports, Second Edition, presents effective athlete conditioning protocols and programs from the most respected international strength and conditioning specialists and sport physiotherapists.



NSCA's Essentials of Sport Science

Understand the role of the sport scientist

NSCA’s Essentials of Sport ScienceNSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science provides the most contemporary and comprehensive overview of the field of sport science and the role of the sport scientist. It is a primary preparation resource for the Certified Performance and Sport Scientist (CPSS) certification exam.



Periodization of Strength Training for Sports book cover

Proven periodization programs for 30 sports

Periodization of Strength Training for Sports - Periodization of Strength Training for Sports demonstrates how to use periodized workouts to peak at optimal times by manipulating strength training variables through six training phases—anatomical adaptation, hypertrophy, maximum strength, conversion to specific strength, maintenance, and peaking.