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Five best physical education resources released in 2024

Are you shopping for a champion of youth fitness? Discover these five brand-new 2024 releases in physical education and adapted physical activity that will inspire teachers and keep kids moving.

Strategies for Inclusion, Fourth Edition


Strategies for Inclusion, Fourth Edition, provides a clear road map for successful inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education settings. It contains 38 teachable units, complete with assessment tools for curriculum planning, teaching tips, and ready-to-use forms and charts.




Functional Strength Training for Physical Education


Functional Strength Training for Physical Education is an easy-to-follow guide for PE teachers and coaches working with middle and high school students. It outlines the benefits of functional strength training and how to develop a program that will give all students skills for their lifetime.





National Physical Education Standards-4th Edition


The fourth edition of National Physical Education Standards includes new Grade-Span Learning Indicators and Learning Progressions, with a focus on the whole person and their physical literacy journey.





Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students-10th Edition


Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students, Tenth Edition, provides PETE students a solid conceptual foundation for creating healthy learning environments and quality physical education programs. This resource offers a wide variety of units and ready-to-use activities that enhance learning.





Cultural Equity in Physical Education


Cultural Equity in Physical Education amplifies crucial issues that affect students from racialized groups, provides culturally aware teaching strategies, and addresses the litany of racist practices (both unintentional and overt) directed toward Black, American Indian, Asian, Latine, and Indigenous youths.



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