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Postural Correction: An introductory guide. Presenter: Jane Johnson

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Designed for clinicians such as massage and manual therapists as well as fitness professionals, this webinar addresses some key questions relating to posture and postural change such as, can posture be changed and if so how? Should it be changed and if so, into what ‘norm’? There are many challenges inherent in attempting to change posture, and these are discussed. Yet if a client’s posture is believed to be contributing to or causing pain, or to be aggravating their dysfunction, there is good rational for exploring practical methods to address this.


After the webinar you should be able to:

  • give two examples of why the correction of posture might be considered controversial
  • give examples of postural malalignment in different parts of the body
  • give examples of the consequences of postural malalignment
  • give examples of client’s for whom postural correction might be beneficial
  • List 5 steps you might take in your approach to postural correction
  • Using a specific posture from one part of the body, provide examples of the sorts of things a client with this posture might do to correct it, as well as the sorts of things you might do as a therapist.


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Jane Johnson is a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist with much experience in occupational health, a role that included advising employers on work station ergonomics in order to minimise work-related musculoskeletal pain. In this capacity she learnt much about posture and the relationship between posture and symptoms. Jane is currently a PhD researcher funded by the Royal College of Chiropractic. She is supervised jointly by Teesside University in England and The Anglo European College of Chiropractic. Jane is the author of a number of bestselling books including Soft Tissue Release, Deep Tissue Massage, Therapeutic Stretching and Postural Assessment.