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Making Wellness Programs Work: Maximizing Recruitment, Participation, and Engagement

Anne Marie Ludovici-Connolly, author of Winning Health Promotion Strategies, leads this webinar aimed at health promotion specialists, human resources professionals, public health professionals, and other practitioners interested in implementing wellness programs in their worksites, schools, or communities. Anne Marie offers tips, techniques and strategies for engaging and entertaining participants while teaching them skills for making the right choices about their health and wellness.

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Anne Marie Ludovici-Connolly has over 30 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. From 2005 to 2008, Ludovici-Connolly served as director of the Governor's Get Fit Rhode Island program, a state worksite wellness initiative. She conducted a wide range of research projects and also developed and taught various health and wellness courses for the University of Rhode Island. She was owner and operator of Wakefield Health and Fitness for eight years. She is currently a national senior consultant and subject matter expert in health and productivity for Aon Hewitt, a global HR consulting and outsourcing company, and also serves as a scholar in residence at the University of Rhode Island's Cancer Prevention Research Center, home of the transtheoretical model of behavior change. 

Ludovici-Connolly earned her bachelor's degree in business administration and marketing from the University of Rhode Island in 1982 and her master's degree in the psychosocial aspects of exercise physiology from the University of Rhode Island in 2002.  She is an ACSM-certified health fitness specialist and has served on the committees of numerous national and state organizations, including IDEA, IHRSA, the Medical Wellness Association, and the National Association for Health and Fitness. She was named IDEA's Northeast Region Aerobic Instructor of the Year in 1989 and was given the Wellness Inspiration Award by Discover Wellness in 2007.

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