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Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance, Second Edition Audio

The second edition of Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance gives you the opportunity to listen to four audio recordings by author Eric Franklin. Each of the audio files focuses on a specific goal and approach to imagery. There is no set order, but it is advisable to listen to them for the first time in the sequence presented. They can be used during the day or evening for rest and regeneration, or anytime to improve imagery skills and prepare the body for dance.


  • The first audio recording, called Purifying Liquid, focuses on the interior of the body with the aim of removing tension and making the body a clear and open space for fresh imagery. Listen to MP3
  • The second recording, Soothing Sun and Rain, focuses on a natural environment to help you feel more comfortable and at ease in your body. Listen to MP3
  • The third recording, Supine Relaxation, focuses on relaxing the back using novel imagery. Listen to MP3
  • The final recording, Relax Your Shoulders, describes an exercise that starts in the standing position and uses a mixture of metaphorical and anatomical inner imagery to improve flexibility and strength in the hips and shoulders. Listen to MP3

To listen to the MP3 files, click on the links above. To download the MP3 files, right click on the link and select "Save Link As" (Google Chrome and Firefox) or "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer).