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Bending the Aging Curve: A Periodized Prescription for Improved Aging

The aging process affects all of the systems of the body reducing our capacities to live independently and safely, and often our health, well-being and joie de vivre.  Scientists and clinicians have often discussed the multi-pill that contains all the ingredients that address the declines in health and function seen with aging.  More and more one such pill jumps to the forefront of the discussion, and it's called exercise.  Unfortunately, we do not all age the same way and each of us has his or her unique set of needs that dictate the best exercise intervention.  This webinar, based on Dr. Signorile's book Bending the Aging Curve, provides a unique look at how to address the multi-faceted needs of each individual using functional diagnoses to design targeted exercise programs.  The webinar also shows you how to structure a periodized training program that provides the most effective mix of work and recovery and explains Dr. Signorile's concept of translational training as an effective tool to translate physical improvements into improvements in daily living.  

Joseph F. Signorile, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology and sport sciences at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. He is a research health science specialist for the Miami VA Medical Center and has served as senior researcher at the Stein Gerontological Institute of the Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged.

Dr. Signorile's research interests include prescriptive periodization training for older individuals, diagnostic test development for exercise prescription, electromyographic analysis of sport- and activity-specific training, and evaluation of training techniques concentrating on power development. He has written over 50 refereed articles and book chapters and presented at countless national and international scientific and industry meetings.

Dr. Signorile is a member of the University of Miami graduate faculty and serves on its research council and the graduate school committee for doctoral curriculum evaluation. He serves on the board of the International Council on Active Aging. He is also a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Geriatrics Society, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

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