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Sustainable Tourism With Web Resource

Business Development, Operations and Management

Author: Carol Patterson

$51.07 CAD $73.95 CAD

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Paperback With Online Resource
$51.07 CAD

ISBN: 9781450460033


Page Count: 208

Sustainable Tourism: Business Development, Operations, and Management lays out a road map to launching and building a business in one of today’s most exciting industries. It simplifies the process and outlines real-life requirements while clearing the path to new business success in the cultural, heritage, nature, and adventure fields. Written by an eco-development pioneer, the book offers guidance on developing and implementing a comprehensive sustainable-business plan. From analyzing the market all the way through hiring and training the right people, the text focuses on the principles of both tourism and business. It prepares those embarking on new careers to tackle the complexity of sustainability issues by thinking like entrepreneurs and acting like business owners. Students and professionals can rely on this text as both a start-up and ongoing implementation reference that will stack the odds of success in their favor.

Sustainable Tourism provides an overview of exciting developments in the sustainable-tourism industry. It helps new entrepreneurs assess the viability of ideas and products against sustainable criteria. Through sequential chapters, it delivers step-by-step instructions for minimizing environmental impact, establishing sustainability practices, obtaining financing, and marketing to and reaching customers. The standards-based text also examines how the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Sustainability Guidelines shape sustainable tourism, providing a global framework from which to build the skills needed for success.

Key features include the following:

• 13 online video case studies of sustainable tourism destinations from around the world give students a global text from which to build their own businesses and provide a model for how sustainable tourism works.

• An online workbook guides learners through the completion of a business plan by the end of the term.

• An online image bank presents photos, figures, and tables from the book that may be downloaded for use in presentations.

• Forms and worksheets from the book are available for download.

• A professional development workbook, “Creating a Tourism Career from Scratch” (appendix B), is a reference for entrepreneurs starting or advancing in their careers.

Loaded with case studies, the book illustrates what works and what doesn’t when starting a sustainable tourism business. It describes how to integrate sustainability practices into daily operations, maximize the use of the web and social media in marketing, and overcome challenges in sustainable tourism. The text covers every important topic in a business start-up, including financial forecasting and analysis, customer service systems, hiring, training, and managing turnover.

Sustainable Tourism: Business Development, Operations and Management is the starting point for all who want to develop an eco-friendly product, integrate sustainability principles into their businesses, and turn their dreams into a business reality.


Upper-level undergraduate and graduate text for tourism courses. Reference for professors, university tourism centers, university tourism extension centers, tourism professionals, and organizations at the regional, state and province, and local levels.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Sustainable Tourism


Why Should Tourism Be Sustainable?

History of Sustainable Tourism

What Do We Call It?

Is the Triple Bottom Line a Good Measure?

Who Are the Tourists?

Sustainable Tourism Trends

Meeting the Challenge




Chapter 2 Strategic Planning for a Sustainable Tourism Business


What Is a Strategic Plan?

Create a Mission Statement

Conduct External Review of the Environment

Conduct Internal Review of Your Business

Set Goals and Objectives

Analyze the Market

Define Your Product

Identify and Select Viable Strategies

Implement the Plan




Chapter 3 Sustainability Practices for Development and Operations


Minimizing Environmental Impact

Establishing Sustainability Policies

Integrating Environmental Policies Into Daily Operations

Assessing Impacts

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 4 Industry Standards and Associations


The Role of Tourism Standards

Global Tourism Standards

Certification and Your Bottom Line

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 5 Marketing Your Product


The Four Ps of Marketing

Developing a Marketing Plan

Product–Market Match

Marketing Activities

Marketing Forecasts

Monitoring and Evaluating Marketing Activities

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 6 Web 2.0


What Is Web 2.0?

How Social Media Is Changing Tourism

Implications for Sustainable Tourism Business Managers

Maximize Your Web Presence

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 7 Sustainable Tourism and the Travel Trade


Understanding the Travel Trade

The Consumer’s Relationship With the Travel Trade

The Difficulty in Selling Sustainable Tourism

Helping the Travel Trade Sell Sustainable Tourism

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 8 Marketing Partnerships


Tour Packaging

Cooperative Marketing

Festivals and Events

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 9 Dollars and Sense


Obtaining Financing

Financial Forecasting

Financial Analysis


Business Plan Implications




Chapter 10 Climbing the Customer Service Mountain


Customer Service Systems

Customer Service and Interpretation

Customer Service Problems

Qualifying Customers

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 11 Getting the Right Person for the Job


How to Hire the Right Person


Human Resource Policies

Managing Turnover

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 12 Managing Business Risk


Loss Categories

Insuring Against the Odds

Risk Management Strategies

If the Worst Happens

Business Plan Implications




Chapter 13 Business Plans


The Need for a Business Plan

Preparing a Business Plan

Business Plan Workbook

Carol Patterson has been an author and consultant of tourism for over 20 years. She has helped numerous small business owners penetrate and advance into North American markets. She has been widely recognized for her pioneering work in tourism, winning awards for cinematography and sound design as well as her vision. Patterson is an adjunct assistant professor of adventure tourism classes at the University of Calgary. She is the author of several books, including The Business of Ecotourism, and co-author of Handle With Care: Developing a Nature Based Tourism Product in the North. She is also a Travel Media Association of Canada award recipient for the best environmental/responsible tourism feature. Her travel writing has appeared on BBC Travel and among other publications.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Web resource. Includes 13 video case studies featuring sustainable tourism destinations around the world. The resource also includes a business plan workbook and forms that aid in step-by-step preparation for a tourism center.

Image bank. Offers most of the figures, photos, and tables from the book, sorted by chapter. The images are provided as separate files for easy insertion into tests, handouts, slide presentations, and other course materials.