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Stress Management

A Wellness Approach

$34.48 CAD $68.95 CAD

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$34.48 CAD

ISBN: 9781450431668


Page Count: 200

Stress is an unavoidable part of our everyday lives—and some of it can be good. But a lot of stress is unhealthy, and most of us don’t know how to handle it. Ignoring or mishandling unhealthy stress has all sorts of negative consequences.

That’s why Stress Management: A Wellness Approach is such a valuable resource. This student-friendly guide identifies stressors in six dimensions of life—physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, and environmental—and presents tested tools that students can use in managing that stress in healthy ways.

This text offers these features:

• Questions that promote critical and reflective thinking in journal entries and discussions as students look to creatively solve problems

• Experiential activities that encourage students to practice stress management techniques

Author Nanette Tummers presents stress management from a holistic viewpoint. She considers not only the symptoms of stress but also the challenges students face in their physical, emotional, intellectual, social, financial, cultural, and spiritual circumstances. Stress Management draws heavily from leading research and best practices from experts in the field of positive psychology, such as Seligman (flourishing), Benson (relaxation response), and Kabat-Zinn (mindfulness).

The material cultivates students’ strengths rather than pointing out their weaknesses. The book includes sidebars describing resources (books and websites) that instructors and students alike can use in further exploration of issues in stress management.

Stress Management helps college students manage stress in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing climate: social, culture, politics, economics, technology, and media. It explores key issues of stress and stress management and offers evidence-based research and practical tools that students can use in coping with changes and stress in healthy and positive ways now and throughout their lives.


Text for undergraduate stress management courses.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Stress and Stress Management

Wellness Versus Health

Good Stress Versus Not-So-Good Stress

Definitions of Stress

Stress and Life Stage of Becoming an Adult

Understanding the Stress Response: Fight or Flight

What Happens During Stress Reactivity or the Stress Response

The Pathophysiology of Stress

Mind-Body Health: Psychoneuroimmunology

Strengths-Based Approach



Chapter 2. Physical Wellness

Acupuncture and Acupressure





Tobacco Use

Sexual Health

Massage Therapy and Therapeutic Touch

Physical Activity



Qigong and Tai Chi



Chapter 3. Emotional Wellness



Art Healing

Dealing With Difficult Emotions

Defense Mechanisms


Chapter 4. Intellectual Wellness



Changing Distorted Thinking, Reframing, and Disputation


Goal Setting and Problem Solving

Time Management = Self Management

Creative Imagination


Chapter 5. Social Wellness

Intimate Partner Relationships

Interpersonal Communication

Conflict Resolution

Differences Between Men and Women

Animal-Assisted Activity


Chapter 6. Spiritual Wellness

Stress Management and Spirituality Practices




Additional Spiritual Wellness Practices


Chapter 7. Environmental Wellness




Air Quality





Natural Surroundings


Nanette E. Tummers, EdD, is a professor of health and physical education at Eastern Connecticut State University. A certified holistic stress management instructor, Tummers has developed and taught traditional and online stress management courses at the university level since 2005. She has taught stress management courses to other populations as well, including high-risk populations, cancer patients, and athletes.

Tummers also trains educators in providing stress management activities for K-12 students, and she has developed ancillaries for stress management texts. She remains active in conducting research in positive psychology, peer mentoring, and stress management and has presented on these topics at the national AAHPERD conference. Tummers is the author of two additional books published by Human Kinetics, Teaching Yoga for Life (2009) and Teaching Stress Management (2011).

In her leisure time, she enjoys hiking and volunteering.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel

Instructor guide. Contains chapter overviews, extended learning activities, discussion starters, web links, additional readings, audiovisual aids, and reproducible worksheets.

Test package. Includes 96 essay questions.