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Strength Training Anatomy Workout, The

Starting Strength with Bodyweight Training and Minimal Equipment

$41.95 CAD

$41.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781450400954


Page Count: 256

Over one million readers have turned to Strength Training Anatomy for strength training’s most effective exercises. Now put those exercises to work for you with The Strength Training Anatomy Workout.

The Strength Training Anatomy Workout is your guide to creating the body and the results you want. Strengthen arms and legs; increase muscle mass; sculpt chest, back, and core; firm glutes; increase hip flexibility . . . it’s all here, and all in the stunning detail that only Frédéric Delavier can provide!

Over 150 full-color illustrations allow you to get inside more than 200 exercises and 50 workouts to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures. You’ll also discover how variations, progressions, and sequencing can affect muscle recruitment, the underlying structures, and ultimately the results.

The Strength Training Anatomy Workout includes proven programming for strength, power, bodybuilding, and toning that can be used in a gym or at home. You’ll find targeted conditioning routines for optimal performance in more than 30 sports, including basketball, football, soccer, track and field, and golf.

Former editor in chief of PowerMag in France, author and illustrator Frédéric Delavier is a journalist for Le Monde duMuscle and a contributor to Men’s Health Germany and several other strength publications. His previous publication, Strength Training Anatomy, has sold more than one million copies.

Introduction:Advantages of Working Out at Home Practical Aspects of Exercising at Home Why Working Out at Home Is the Right Choice Part 1:Develop Your Weight Training Program Equipment Diversify Resistance for Maximum Effectiveness How a Muscle Gains Strength Mechanisms of Muscle Enlargement How Muscles Increase Their Endurance Contraindications to Weight Training Clearly Define Your Objectives Quantify Your Objectives 20 Steps to Developing Your Program Rates of Progress Role of Diet Warm-Up Techniques Cool-Down (Return to Calm) Keep a Workout Notebook Analyze Your Workouts Using Video Techniques for Increasing Intensity Inroad Theory Theory of Absolute Strength Train to Muscle Failure? Beyond Failure Cheat Repetitions Forced Repetitions Tapering Rest Break Negatives Stop-and-Go Burn Continuous Tension Unilateral Training Supersets Circuits How Should You Breathe While Exercising?Part 2: Exercises Strengthen Your Arms Biceps Triceps Forearms Develop Bigger Shoulders Infraspinatus Sculpt Your Chest Strengthen Your Neck Sculpt Your Back Latissimus Dorsi Trapezius Lumbar Muscles Strengthen Your Thighs Quadriceps Adductors Strengthen Your Legs Hamstrings Calves Firm Up Your Glutes Gain Flexibility in the Rotator Muscles of the Hips Sculpt Your Abdominals Obliques Exercises for the Diaphragm and Respiratory Muscles Part 3:Programming 1. Men’s Strength 2. Women’s Strength 3. Sport-Specific Training

Frédéric Delavier is a gifted artist with an exceptional knowledge of human anatomy. He studied morphology and anatomy for five years at the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and studied dissection for three years at the Paris Faculté de Médecine.

The former editor in chief of the French magazine PowerMag, Delavier is currently a journalist for the French magazine LeMondeduMuscle and a contributor to several other muscle publications, including Men's Health Germany. He is the author of the best-selling Strength Training Anatomy and Women’s Strength Training Anatomy.

Delavier won the French powerlifting title in 1988 and makes annual presentations on the sport applications of biomechanics at conferences in Switzerland. His teaching efforts have earned him the Grand Prix de Techniques et de Pédagogie Sportive. Delavier lives in Paris, France.

Michael Gundill, MBA, has written 13 books on strength training, sport nutrition, and health. His books have been translated into multiple languages, and he has written over 500 articles for bodybuilding and fitness magazines around the world, including Iron Man and Dirty Dieting. In 1998 he won the Article of the Year award at the Fourth Academy of Bodybuilding Fitness & Sports Awards in California.

Gundill started weightlifting in 1983 in order to improve his rowing performances. Most of his training years were spent completing specific lifting programs in his home. As he gained muscle and refined his program, he began to learn more about physiology, anatomy, and biomechanics and started studying those subjects in medical journals. Since 1995 he has been writing about his discoveries in various bodybuilding and fitness magazines all over the world.

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Sabbir Syed

Strength Training Anatomy Workout, The