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Golf-2nd Edition

Steps to Success

$16.98 CAD $33.95 CAD

$16.98 CAD

ISBN: 9781450450027


Page Count: 248

Develop a consistent swing and master every shot on your way to a lower handicap. Golf: Steps to Success provides detailed, progressive instruction with accompanying full-color photos for every shot: putts, chip shots, and pitch shots as well as shots from the fairway, tee box, bunker, rough, and bad lies.

Practice and improve your shot making with over 100 drills that feature a scoring system for gauging and accelerating your progress. After building a solid skill base, improve the mental side of your game: Learn to select the right club, analyze ball flight, overcome tough lies and shots in the rough, and manage stress and emotions to raise your level of play and enjoyment of the game.

This self-paced learning tool allows you to develop a solid overall game and build on any initial golf lessons you may have had. As part of the popular Steps to Success Sport Series—with more than 1.8 million copies sold—Golf: Steps to Success is the guide you’ll find most valuable not only on the practice range and green but also on every hole you play.

Step 1 Putting the Ball Into the Hole

Step 2 Setting Up for the Shot

Step 3 Chipping to the Green

Step 4 Pitching From Farther Away

Step 5 Taking a Full Swing

Step 6 Ball Flight, Shot Patterns, and Club Selection

Step 7 Overcoming Difficult Lies and Shots From the Rough

Step 8 Escaping From Bunkers

Step 9 Practice to Improve Performance

Step 10 Managing the Course

Step 11 The Mental Game of Golf

Step 12 Continuing to Improve

Paul G. Schempp is the director of the Sport Instruction Research Laboratory at the University of Georgia, where he also serves as a professor. He has spent the last quarter century studying the development of expertise in sport and coaching. Schempp has designed performance programs for the Swedish Golf Federation and Mexican national golf teams. He has coached several champions on the PGA and European PGA professional golf tours, including Jesper Parnevik, Richard S. Johnson, Niclas Fasth, and Fredrik Jacobson. As a scientific consultant to Golf Digest, he was instrumental in selecting America’s 50 Greatest Teachers. A longtime consultant for the PGA of America, Schempp helped redesign the PGA’s professional certification programs for golf instructors. He has also served on the National Education Advisory Board for the Ladies’ Professional Golf Association (LPGA).

Schempp's groundbreaking research has made him a sought-after keynote speaker for professional associations and corporate conferences committed to improving performance. Clients include the American Society for Training and Development, BASF Corporation, Buckhead Business Association, Club Corporation of America, Condé Nast Publications, General Electric, National Institute of Education (Singapore), Professional Golf Association of America, Society for Human Resource Management, the Swiss Soccer Federation, Vistage, and USA Track and Field.

Schempp holds an EdD in human movement studies from Boston University and lives in Athens, Georgia.

Peter Mattsson serves as the director of elite performance at the Swedish Sports Confederation. He served six years as the director of coaching for the English Golf Union, where he was instrumental in the development of the current National Coaching Programme structure. Before coming to England, Mattsson was the head coach for the Swedish national teams, a role he held from 1998 to 2005. He has coached Swedish teams and individual players at numerous European and World Amateur Championships at the World Cup and at professional events on the men’s and women’s tours. Mattsson holds a BEd in physical education and is currently studying sport science with a focus on golf. He resides in Stockholm, Sweden.

“The second edition of Golf: Steps to Success is rich in content, well organized, and very applicable. Paul Schempp and Peter Mattsson know how to develop golfers.”

Pia Nilsson-- Professional Golfer and Coach, Coach and Mentor to Annika Sörenstam

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel

Includes lecture topics, physical activities, student assignments in both a 20-session and 32-session framework, introductory notes, key points of technique, common errors and solutions, teaching modifications, and skill application, and additional resources such as Web sites, books, DVDs, and videos. Also included are test questions in multiple-choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blank and short answer format, and student evaluation guidelines.