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Fitness Running-3rd Edition

Author: Richard Brown

$9.98 CAD $30.95 CAD

$9.98 CAD

ISBN: 9781450468817


Page Count: 256

Including personalized workouts and expert advice, Fitness Running, Third Edition, contains workouts from one of America’s most respected coaches.

Whether you run for health, competition, or both, Fitness Running includes proven programs to help you achieve your goals. Color coded and customizable, the 13- to 26-week programs cover base building, fitness, and training for short-distance events, half marathons, and marathons. Each workout is prioritized according to your goal, allowing you the flexibility to tailor the training to your schedule.

More than just workouts, this new edition of the best-selling guide includes individualized testing for assessing running health and log pages for recording runs, results, and health information. It includes recommendations for female runners and the latest information on gear and gadgets, cross-training, stretching, and recovery.

Discover what countless runners already have. Fitness Running is the most effective and efficient guide to the best health, times, and finishes of your life. It’s the one training book you’ll use again and again for a lifetime of running workouts.

Part I Before You Run

Chapter 1 Running Health Assessment

Chapter 2 Running Gear

Chapter 3 Running Form

Chapter 4 Challenge and Adaptation

Chapter 5 Recovery

Chapter 6 Fitness and the Female Runner

Part II Plan Your Program

Chapter 7 Program Setup

Chapter 8 Types of Running Workouts

Chapter 9 Pre- and Postworkout Routines

Chapter 10 Cross-Training

Chapter 11 Runner’s Diary

Part III Training Schedules

Chapter 12 Beginning Training

Chapter 13 Fitness Training

Chapter 14 Short-Race Training

Chapter 15 Half-Marathon Training

Chapter 16 Marathon Training

Chapter 17 Postrace Recovery and Injury Training

Richard L. Brown, PhD, is a veteran coach and exercise physiologist. He has mentored championship runners at all ages, from high school to masters, and at all levels, from novice runners to Olympic athletes and world champions.

Brown has served as a personal coach to an impressive list of world-class athletes, including Shelly Steely, Suzy Favor Hamilton, Vicki Huber, and Mary Decker Slaney. He is particularly known for guiding Slaney to her double gold medals at the 1983 Helsinki World Championships. He is one of few people to have coached athletes in both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games as well as the Paralympics. He has coached athletes in six recent Olympic Games and Olympic Trials.

Brown began his career in 1963 as a three-sport coach at Bullis Preparatory School in Maryland. He continued at the United States Naval Academy, at Mt. Blue High School in Maine, and then with the Athletics West track team as a director and exercise physiologist. In 1983, Brown was head coach of the U.S. World Championship cross country team, and he has been coaching independently ever since. He has been recognized by USA Track and Field as a master coach.

Brown earned his doctorate in exercise and movement sciences from the University of Oregon in 1992. In addition to serving as lead author of two previous editions of Fitness Running, he has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals on health and fitness. He is in demand as a speaker and clinician on issues related to running and fitness.

In 2001, Brown founded the Eugene Health and Performance Foundation to promote fitness and running performance internationally. He continues to be associated with that foundation while living in Eugene, Oregon.

"Fitness Running will help you put your vision into place, plan your strategy for success, enjoy the process, and have fun.”

Gabe Jennings-- 1500-Meter U.S. Olympic Trials Champion, 2000