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Move, Think, Learn: Physical Literacy Through Games and Sport - Games Play Introductory Level

Author: PHE Canada

$34.95 CAD

Spiral bound
$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492596165


Page Count: 74

This resource has been designed to support physical educators in their planning of game-play experiences for children ages 9 through 12 (grades 4 through 6). This guide will facilitate a sequence of learning that will increase learners’ confidence, competence, and motivation to become more skillful game players.


Physical educators and physical activity leaders of children ages 9 through 12 (grades 4 through 6).

Physical & Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national leader and vital contributor in fostering achievement and health among Canadian children and youth by supporting physical and health education and active living initiatives where children live, learn, and play. PHE Canada’s vision is a future wherein all children and youth in Canada live healthy, physically active lives.

Contributors: Shelley Barthel, Kathy Fowler, Kathleen Whitfield Fletcher, Kendra Macfarlane, Brandy Dewar, Amber Muir, Tricia Zakaria, Stephanie Talsma.