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Three ways to promote healthy fascia

This is an excerpt from Vital Core Training by Leslee Bender & Leslee Bender.

Keeping your fascia healthy has many benefits. You’ll move more easily, have better range of motion, and experience less pain. Here are ways to promote healthy fascia.

  • Move constantly. In addition to a consistent core routine, it’s important to be active throughout the day. Placing the ball behind the back while sitting improves posture and allows you to do extension movement, which helps fascia stay supple. Getting up and performing vertical core movements keeps the body energized as well.
  • Stretch and lengthen. Stretching is essential to good health. It reduces the risk of inflammation and structural problems in the body. In part II of this book, you will be introduced to many exercises that promote lengthening the tissue.
  • Pay attention to posture. Slumping over a desk or a phone or walking awkwardly to compensate for an injury can cause fascia to tighten. When sitting for long periods of time, think of your fascia and muscles shortening to compensate for the gravity placed on the spine. If you then do crunches for core training, you have to shorten the muscles to flex the spine—and without the ball behind the back there is no extension, further contributing to shortened muscles and a dysfunctional body. Although this is common, you can train the core muscles in a way that improves posture and reduces the risk of dysfunction. Posture leads to vitality when you move authentically.
More Excerpts From Vital Core Training