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Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD:Teach

A Teaching Guide

Author: Rene Bibaud

$20.48 CAD $40.95 CAD

$20.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736071284

With Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD, you can
-teach rope jumping through a structured and progressive process;
-keep your students moving, interested, challenged, and on task;
-know common mistakes to watch for and how to correct them; and
-effectively teach eight sets of skills.
Long a staple in physical education programs, the jump rope is a proven, effective, and inexpensive tool—especially useful given today's education budget constraints. Yet many physical education teachers struggle with how to get the most from rope jumping.

Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD will help teachers use those jump ropes—and help kids ages 7 through 11 have fun while being active. This 108-minute DVD takes the educator through eight sets of skill breakdowns, including single-rope skills, long-rope activities, group routines, build-ups for double dutch, and fun games. Instructor Rene Bibaud provides personal stories, entertaining metaphors, and inspiring messages and motivational tools, as well as concise and uncomplicated lesson plans with measurable outcomes that can be printed from a computer.

Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD has these features:
-A structured and progressive process for teaching
-Skills introduced with quick start-up notes with expanded background on each topic
-Common mistakes to watch for—and their solutions
-Lesson plans in logical sequence and with flexibility for tailoring to teachers' needs
Rene Bibaud, a five-time world champion of rope jumping who was a lead performer and coach for the renowned Cirque du Soleil, shares her proven smart progression program that she developed over decades of teaching. Bibaud's approach is highly organized and calls on strong visual and verbal cues, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness while maintaining students' interest.

Physical Education teachers will find Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD a great resource for using jump ropes, teaching new skills, and keeping kids active—all packed into an easy-to-use DVD led by the talented and inspiring Rene Bibaud.


Resource for physical education and classroom teachers of children ages 7 through 11.

DVD Sections

DVD Section 1 Introduction
Rene's Biography
Content of Video
Smart Sequencing
Teaching Tips
Rene's Philosophy of Learning

DVD Section 2 Single-Rope Skills: Series 1
Sizing Your Rope
Ready Position
Swing and Catch
Basic Bounce
Side Swing
Jumping Jax
Full Twist
Advanced Full Twist
Continuous Cross
Side Swing Cross
One-Foot Hop
Jogging Step
Double Jogger
Swing Kick
Swing Kick Cross
Walk the Dog
Rope Manipulation Highlights: Where Walk the Dog Can Go
Pretzel Mastery

DVD Section 3 Review and Teaching Tips: Series 1

-Review Skill Series 1 in “rundown” form with VO quick tips.

-Teaching Tip—Magic Rope: Making a Magic Rope for a Training Tool

-Teaching Tip—Importance of Swing and Catch

-Teaching Tip—Perfect Side Swings

-Teaching Tip—Young Jumpers
DVD Section 4 Single-Rope Skills: Series 2
Body Wrap
Double Up, Double
Spread Eagle
Spread Eagle Cross
Cossack Cross
Basic Push-Up
Push-Up Whip
Double Under
Double Under Cross
Double Unders in a Row
Triple Under
180 Turn
360 Turn
Mad Dog
Kick and Catch

DVD Section 5 Review and Teaching Tips: Series 2

-Review of Skill Series 2 in Rundown Form With VO Quick Tips

-Teaching Tip—Personal Best

-Teaching Tip—Big Little as an Instant Activity

-Teaching Tip—Motivational Tools: Posters and Pencils
DVD Section 6 Single-Rope Skills: Series 3
Can-Can Cross
Up and Over Can Can
Skier Double Under
Bell Moving Sideways
Bell Cross
Scissors Backward
Watermelon 360
Texas Star
Texas Stars in a Row
Pretzel Cross
Pretzel Cross Switches
Front Back Cross
Front Back Cross Double Under

DVD Section 7 Review and Teaching Tips: Series 3

-Review of Skill Series 3 in Rundown Form With VO Quick Tips

-Teaching Tip—Your Skills Tool Chest
DVD Section 8 Freestyle

DVD Section 9 Partner Work
Side by Side
Partner Routine
Shared Rope
Shared Rope Routine
Big Little
Big Little Routine

DVD Section 10 Long Rope and Double Dutch
Run and Leap
Rapid Fire
Cat and Mouse
Jumping Into Long Rope
Long Rope Tricks
Double Dutch
Triple Jumping
With a Partner
Jogging Step
Spread Eagle
Basketball Bounce
Full Twist

DVD Section 11 PDFs of Lesson Plans

Rene Bibaud is a five-time world champion of rope jumping who held a world record for speed jumping. Currently an ESPN color commentator, Bibaud toured for more than four years with the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil as a lead performer and coach. She continues to consult regularly with Cirque du Soleil and still performs for them at high-level events.

Bibaud also performs and speaks to thousands of young people each year at school assemblies and workshops across the country. Participants at her instructional sessions often comment that Rene breaks down skills better than anyone they've ever seen. She has also appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, MTV, Sesame Street, Good Morning America, the Today Show, and many other national shows and networks. She is the founder of Ropeworks, a company focused on jump rope instruction.

Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD:Teach
Rene Bibaud

Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD:Teach

$20.48 CAD $40.95 CAD

With Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD, you can
-teach rope jumping through a structured and progressive process;
-keep your students moving, interested, challenged, and on task;
-know common mistakes to watch for and how to correct them; and
-effectively teach eight sets of skills.
Long a staple in physical education programs, the jump rope is a proven, effective, and inexpensive tool—especially useful given today's education budget constraints. Yet many physical education teachers struggle with how to get the most from rope jumping.

Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD will help teachers use those jump ropes—and help kids ages 7 through 11 have fun while being active. This 108-minute DVD takes the educator through eight sets of skill breakdowns, including single-rope skills, long-rope activities, group routines, build-ups for double dutch, and fun games. Instructor Rene Bibaud provides personal stories, entertaining metaphors, and inspiring messages and motivational tools, as well as concise and uncomplicated lesson plans with measurable outcomes that can be printed from a computer.

Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD has these features:
-A structured and progressive process for teaching
-Skills introduced with quick start-up notes with expanded background on each topic
-Common mistakes to watch for—and their solutions
-Lesson plans in logical sequence and with flexibility for tailoring to teachers' needs
Rene Bibaud, a five-time world champion of rope jumping who was a lead performer and coach for the renowned Cirque du Soleil, shares her proven smart progression program that she developed over decades of teaching. Bibaud's approach is highly organized and calls on strong visual and verbal cues, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness while maintaining students' interest.

Physical Education teachers will find Rene Bibaud's Complete Fundamentals of Rope Jumping DVD a great resource for using jump ropes, teaching new skills, and keeping kids active—all packed into an easy-to-use DVD led by the talented and inspiring Rene Bibaud.


Resource for physical education and classroom teachers of children ages 7 through 11.

DVD Sections

DVD Section 1 Introduction
Rene's Biography
Content of Video
Smart Sequencing
Teaching Tips
Rene's Philosophy of Learning

DVD Section 2 Single-Rope Skills: Series 1
Sizing Your Rope
Ready Position
Swing and Catch
Basic Bounce
Side Swing
Jumping Jax
Full Twist
Advanced Full Twist
Continuous Cross
Side Swing Cross
One-Foot Hop
Jogging Step
Double Jogger
Swing Kick
Swing Kick Cross
Walk the Dog
Rope Manipulation Highlights: Where Walk the Dog Can Go
Pretzel Mastery

DVD Section 3 Review and Teaching Tips: Series 1

-Review Skill Series 1 in “rundown” form with VO quick tips.

-Teaching Tip—Magic Rope: Making a Magic Rope for a Training Tool

-Teaching Tip—Importance of Swing and Catch

-Teaching Tip—Perfect Side Swings

-Teaching Tip—Young Jumpers
DVD Section 4 Single-Rope Skills: Series 2
Body Wrap
Double Up, Double
Spread Eagle
Spread Eagle Cross
Cossack Cross
Basic Push-Up
Push-Up Whip
Double Under
Double Under Cross
Double Unders in a Row
Triple Under
180 Turn
360 Turn
Mad Dog
Kick and Catch

DVD Section 5 Review and Teaching Tips: Series 2

-Review of Skill Series 2 in Rundown Form With VO Quick Tips

-Teaching Tip—Personal Best

-Teaching Tip—Big Little as an Instant Activity

-Teaching Tip—Motivational Tools: Posters and Pencils
DVD Section 6 Single-Rope Skills: Series 3
Can-Can Cross
Up and Over Can Can
Skier Double Under
Bell Moving Sideways
Bell Cross
Scissors Backward
Watermelon 360
Texas Star
Texas Stars in a Row
Pretzel Cross
Pretzel Cross Switches
Front Back Cross
Front Back Cross Double Under

DVD Section 7 Review and Teaching Tips: Series 3

-Review of Skill Series 3 in Rundown Form With VO Quick Tips

-Teaching Tip—Your Skills Tool Chest
DVD Section 8 Freestyle

DVD Section 9 Partner Work
Side by Side
Partner Routine
Shared Rope
Shared Rope Routine
Big Little
Big Little Routine

DVD Section 10 Long Rope and Double Dutch
Run and Leap
Rapid Fire
Cat and Mouse
Jumping Into Long Rope
Long Rope Tricks
Double Dutch
Triple Jumping
With a Partner
Jogging Step
Spread Eagle
Basketball Bounce
Full Twist

DVD Section 11 PDFs of Lesson Plans

Rene Bibaud is a five-time world champion of rope jumping who held a world record for speed jumping. Currently an ESPN color commentator, Bibaud toured for more than four years with the world-renowned Cirque du Soleil as a lead performer and coach. She continues to consult regularly with Cirque du Soleil and still performs for them at high-level events.

Bibaud also performs and speaks to thousands of young people each year at school assemblies and workshops across the country. Participants at her instructional sessions often comment that Rene breaks down skills better than anyone they've ever seen. She has also appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, MTV, Sesame Street, Good Morning America, the Today Show, and many other national shows and networks. She is the founder of Ropeworks, a company focused on jump rope instruction.


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